If you are curious, creative, and have a passion for science, contact us, we're hiring!
Principal Investigator

Dr. Omri Wurtzel
Principal Investigator
Office: +972-3-6409553
Sherman bldg. 522
Current members

Tamar Frankovits
PhD candidate
Office: +972-3-6409821
Sherman bldg. 523

Noam Hendin
PhD Student
Office: +972-3-6409821
Sherman bldg. 523

Yarden Yesharim​
PhD Student
Office: +972-3-6409821
Sherman bldg. 521A

Prakash Cherian
PhD Student
Office: +972-3-6409821
Sherman bldg. 521A

Tamar Zelig​
MSc - PhD Student
Office: +972-3-6409821
Sherman bldg. 521A

Ophir Jokel​
MSc Student
Office: +972-3-6409821
Sherman bldg. 521A

Noam Naor​
MSc Student
Office: +972-3-6409821
Sherman bldg. 521A

Oded Tshuva ​
MSc Student
Office: +972-3-6409821
Sherman bldg. 521A
Former members

Tal Gordon​
Postdoc fellow
Office: +972-3-6409821
Sherman bldg. 523

Yael Dagan
PhD candidate
Office: +972-3-6409821
Sherman bldg. 523

Idit Aviram​
PhD candidate
Office: +972-3-6409821
Sherman bldg. 520A

Michael Hoffman​
PhD candidate
Office: +972-3-6409821
Sherman bldg. 523

Jenny Barboy​
MSc candidate
Office: +972-3-6409821
Sherman bldg. 521A

Dr. Isadora Cohen
Lab manager
Office: +972-3-6409821
Sherman bldg. 521A

Yael Dagan
PhD candidate
Office: +972-3-6409821
Sherman bldg. 523
Agur Wiskott
MSc candidate
Office: +972-3-6409821
Sherman bldg. 523

Ariel Aibester
MSc candidate
​Office: +972-3-6409821
Sherman bldg. 523